Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Party Tips

Last weekend as I was catching up on past issues of the Charlotte Observer (yes, I still look through the "real" paper) I noticed an article on the front page of the Home section titled "20 Party Do's and Don'ts". Of course I had to read it to see if I had committed any (and how many) party faux pas along the way. As I read through the article, I realized that I agreed with many (if not all) of the advice given. Seeing that it's prime holiday party season, I thought this would be a great article to share.

I tried to find it online on the Observer's site but gave up after 10 minutes. Luckily, I still had the printed copy (see, it's good for something) which led me to the original source, an article from House Beautiful magazine which actually lists 101 Do's and Don'ts for hosting/attending a party. Even better! I've looked through the list and here's my top 10 Party Do's and Don'ts (in no particular order).

1. Loosen Up: "Have a stiff drink before anyone arrives. If you are having fun, everyone will have fun." -- Miles Redd, designer (Tip #5)

2. Charm the Host: "Don't come to a party empty-handed." -- Jayne Michaels, designer (Tip # 8)

3. Don't Recipe Search on Party Day: "Don't try a new recipe at a party." -- Tricia Foley, designer/author (Tip # 9)

4. Don't Delay Dinner for Tardy Guests: "Don't wait for late guests. People resent being hungry." -- Issac Mizrahi, fashion designer (Tip # 16)

5. Prep Ahead: "Get everything ready the day before." -- Suzanne Kasler, designer (Tip # 47)

6. Have Drinks Ready: "Have beverages visible from the moment guests step in the door." -- Matt and Ted Lees, chefs/cookbook authors (Tip # 51)

7. Play with the Centerpiece: "Flowers are overused as centerpieces. Use seasonal fruit, a tureen, or an interesting sculptural centerpiece instead." -- Christopher Spitzmiller, ceramic designer (Tip # 13)

8. Follow the One-Bite Rule: "Keep hors d'oeuvres to one bite. No one wants to talk or kiss with a mouthful." -- Larry Laslo, designer (Tip # 18)

9. Keep Champagne on Hand: "You should always have a cold bottle of bubbly stashed in your refrigerator in case friends drop by, and a bottle of something sparkly for non-drinkers." -- Christopher Hirsheimer, Co-founder, Canal House Cooking (Tip # 28)

10. Make Extra Food: "Don't be stingy with food and beverages. Like my old grandma used to say 'I'd rather have lots of leftovers than have someone leave my party hungry.'" -- Frank Fontana, designer, TV personality

Of course, I always follow #9 ... but not for company ... in case I have a bad (or good) day at work.

Check out the full article and browse House Beautiful's website for other great ideas. Have a great holiday!

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