Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tyler Florence is Smokin' Hot!

Mom and I went to Atlanta this past weekend to do the buying for fall and the holidays. Yep, it's kinda weird buying peppermint and snowball stuff in the middle July when it's hot and humid but that's what the retail industry does.

Anyhow, I digress. Tyler Florence was one of the main attractions at the show (as they call it). He did an hour long cooking demonstration with lots of questions and answers, followed by a book signing. I took lots of pictures, none of which do him justice. Not only is he handsome, he is very funny and extremely friendly and personable! What a neat guy!

He has new cook book out called "Tyler's Ultimate" from which he made these recipes:
- Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Salsa Verde
- Roasted Potato Salad
Mom and I were lucky enough to get a copy signed by him and chat for a quick minute. He's been very busy lately ... in addition to the TV and cookbook thing, he's gotten married, had a baby and has another one on the way and, he's opened a retail cooking store in Mill Valley, CA.

Here's some of the photos I took:

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