Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Things are happening!

It's been exactly one week since construction started and we've made a lot of progress. There are more holes in the wall and wires and pipes coming out of the ceiling and walls. It's a sight for sore eyes!

The larger electrical panel was installed today and power was out for at least 7 hours (sorry Hilary and Rainey). I'm not sure what's going to happen with the older, smaller electrical panel. Does is stay in the wall? Do we sell it on eBay? What?

The first few pieces of the hood is in place too. It has been retrofitted to meet fire department specs so I'm not sure how pretty it's going to look but at this point I don't care about pretty. As soon as it's up, I'll post pictures.

Tomorrow the cabinets will be installed. This will help me finalize the layout of the store and consolidate some of the displays so that we make the most of the space left. I think this will be the turning point ... where we finally start seeing the outline of the kitchen.

On Friday, the counter top people will measure to make sure what we spec'd out at Lowes was accurate and they'll make templates which they take back to the shop and cut the materials. I'm putting in Zodiaq quartz which is made by DuPont who also makes Corian. Zodiaq offers the beauty and longevity of granite but does not require the ongoing maintenance. It should take 2-3 weeks before the counter tops are brought back for installation. Once they're in, Mike and his crew will pop in the appliances and we will be ready to cook!

It's looking like we should be done on 11/16 and I may do the first class during Thanksgiving week. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes as planned!

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